PROJECT CHAIRMAN and chief nail pounder on the 1988 community service project of building a shelter house in the East City Park is Frank Wheeler, working in near darkness. Confident that the veteran carpenter will not hit his thumb or theirs are Lions Lew Lundy, Bill Rempp and Jerry Little.
The Montezuma Lions Club has built, repaired and maintained a number of shelters in Montezuma parks over the years.
Here is some of the work put into those efforts.
Photos by Roger Allen
“SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED.” In August 1985 the city park board purchased this jungle-gym-type unit for the West City Park. The park board then asked the Lions club if it would assemble and erect it, which they did. The above photo was taken at one of the two evenings needed to pre-assemble the unit. For the erection, concrete was poured for the base on one daytime project and (photo below) final installation required another work session.
MAINTAINING AND IMPROVING Wayside Park along Hwy. 63 is a significant ongoing Lions project. The Mother’s Club contributes financially with Lions volunteers keeping the area mowed. Pictured above in 2011 is Lion Ivan Klein. Repairs to the shelter house were made in 2020 and the flagpole at left was installed in 2021, dedicated in memory of deceased Lion Bill Henkle.The Lions have long been involved in maintaining Wayside Park along Hwy. 63
BUILDING THIS SHELTER HOUSE in the East City Park in 1988 was a cooperative effort by Montezuma Lions Club and Knights of Pythias members, donating their labor. The city paid for the materials for the 20’ x 30’ shelter house. Frank Wheeler, an active member of both organizations, was project chairman. The photo above was taken August 29. Lions and Knights of Pythias members pounded on the park project for several evenings to complete the project. Earlier that summer the Lions club donated labor to install new playground equipment at the east park. The date is not known but many years prior to this shelter the Lions built the south shelter house in the West City Park and equipped it with tables. It bears the Lions emblem.
IN 2014 the Lions club was one of several organizations that contributed financially to the building of this shelter on Stagecoach Trail that overlooks Diamond Lake.