Lions chicken: 65 years of community service!

THIS WAS THE SETTING in July 1973 on the east side of the county Courthouse for the evening preparation and consumption of the Lions club’s chicken barbecue.

Story and photos by Roger Allen

This Saturday – July 2, 2022 – will mark the 65th year the Montezuma Lions Club has conducted a community fundraiser meal, featuring since the earliest years, barbecue-grilled chicken.

It is believed to have started in 1957 – the second year of the Lions-sponsored square dance festivals. The first years the chicken was steam-cooked, but since then it has continuously been the famously good-flavored barbecued version.

THE VANNOY CHEVROLET shop area was the site for the chicken barbecue in 1974 and again in 1976, when this photo was taken – and again in 1977.

While many will tend to think it has been held at the Montezuma Memorial Hall “forever,” that is not the case. In fact it has been held in several locations as reflected by some of the accompanying photos.

It has been held on the north and southeast lawns of the county Courthouse. Vannoy Chevrolet hosted it at least two years inside the Vannoy shop area.

At the request of the Business Boosters for the meal to be part of “Ridiculous Day” attractions it was in 1986 that the chicken barbecue changed from being an evening event to a mid-day meal. And it is since then that the dinner has been headquartered at the Memorial Hall.

Charter member Keith Steffy, now deceased, developed the seasoning that gives the Lions’ chicken its long popular flavor. For a long time the recipe was known only to Steffy.

The Leading Fundraiser

The Lions’ chicken BBQ has typically raised the most funds for charitable causes of the club’s three fundraisers, the other two being a pancake breakfast on the opening day of pheasant hunting season, and a toy and craft show the last Saturday in January.

Funds raised by the Lions have made possible a long list of community projects and donations. Following are a few examples. (A future article will highlight some major projects not listed here.)

1986 was the first year for the Lions BBQ to be a mid-day event, and the first year for the Montezuma Memorial Hall to be the site. Working in the carry-out line above are, from left, Henry Schmidt, Ivan Lindloff, Larry Homes and R.J.H. “Doc” Badger.

*   Purchased 225 new padded folding chairs for the school’s newly renovated auditorium.

*   Contributed $5,000 as part of $19,000 raised, and spearheaded the project that added the percussion musical instruments playground at the school.

*   Provides exams and eyeglasses and hearing aids for needy persons in the community.

*   Build and maintain shelter houses in the city parks.

*   Donated $5,000 for furnishing the Montezuma Public Library when it was built.

*   Donates annually to the Montezuma Food Pantry – $500 per year to date.

*   Longtime sponsor of summer youth softball and baseball program

*   Annual supporter of the high school After Prom Party

*   Purchased tables and playground equipment for east city park and softball complex.

*   Donated funds and labor for Memorial Hall renovations.

*   Purchased “Jaws of Life” for City Volunteer Fire Department.

*   2022 marks the 20th year of conducting vision screenings of pre-school children, with Lions taking special training for conducting the screenings.

THE NORTH LAWN of the Poweshiek County Courthouse was the setting for the Lions summer evening meal in the early 1970s.
LONGTIME LIONS pictured working in the serving line inside Vannoy Chevrolet in 1976 are, from left, Frank Bryan, Bob Simpson and Earl DeJong.








AN ONGOING PROJECT by the Lions club is the collection of used eyeglasses and hearing aids, for redistribution to people in need. Bill Bolen, a Lion since 1958, is pictured with a 1975 eyeglasses collection.