A team of Montezuma Lions Club members conducted an “Iowa KidSight” vision screening at the Montezuma school for parts of two days in late September.

Results were received this week with great news: None of the 21 children screened needed further referral, and no retakes were needed.
Those screened were at the direction of School Nurse Hannah Dengler to bring her records up to date. They included pre-schoolers, begindergarteners and two from kindergarten.
This is the 20th year the local Lions club has conducted the vision screening. In addition to Cox, Roger Allen and Linda Boeding conducted the Sept. 28-29 screening.
Well over half a million children ages six months to five years old have been screened in the 22-year history of the “Iowa KidSight” program, with approximately five percent needing to be referred for further examination. Early detection of irregularities greatly increase the probability of successful correction.