Lions serve again at chicken BBQ

By Roger Allen

Continuing a tradition of many years, the Montezuma Lions Club’s chicken barbecue dinner on July 6 was an anchor event of the annual Independence Day/Let Freedom Ring celebration in

Montezuma. It fits well with the Lions’ motto: “We Serve.”

Proceeds will go toward community service projects and projects to aid the sight and hearing-impaired.

Through the Lions organization, proceeds will also go to Iowans in communities like being affected by flooding and tornadoes.

Donations to Date in 2024

Club members continue to volunteer in the transport of cornea tissue, covering the relay from Grinnell to the Iowa Lions Eye Bank in Coralville.

The club’s most recent community donation is $500 to the Montezuma Public Library.

Other donations made earlier this year include $600 to the Montezuma Food Pantry.

Two $200 scholarships were given to graduating seniors.

$200 was donated to the Montezuma Shooting Sports program.

$300 supported After Prom.

Camp Hertko Hollow, a camp for children with diabetes, was given $200.

The Lions’ week camp at Camp Courageous for persons with visual and other disabilities was sent $200.

Leader Dogs for the Blind received $200.

New flags are purchased as needed for Wayside Park,

which is mowed and maintained by the Lions, supported in part by the Montezuma Mothers’ Club.

A donation of $1,600 was made to the Iowa Lions Foundation and $1,000 to the Lions Clubs International Foundation. Entities funded by the state foundation include the Iowa Lions Eye Bank, Iowa KidSight vision screening, and the Lions Hearing Aid program.

The International foundation provides emergency relief at the time of disasters, including storms and floods in Iowa and relief for families uprooted by wars.

Montezuma Lions Club is always interested in gaining new members; if interested, communicate that to a Lions Club member.