Little Braves hoop it up!

Braves head boys basketball coach Derrick Dengler helped these Kindergarten thru 2nd grade boys develop their basketball skills at the Montezuma Braves Basketball Camp held last week in the Central Gym.

Front row left to rt: Aiden Broadston, Avram Schechinger, Kinley Little, Cade Flathers, Sawyer Hutchcraft, Hayes Dengler, Rockston Taylor, Gage Tompkins, Raxton Gunderson, Ryder Schmidt, Walker Suftin, Bennett Beck, Kaison Bolen, Bryer Deweese, Cayson McNaul, Huxley Slaven, Krew Anderson, Middle row: Atticus Schechinger, Cale Flathers, Evan Wilkerson, Parker Rempp, Declan Suftin, Greyson Peterson, Knox Anderson, Camdyn Bloomers.  Back row:  Trey Shearer, Colton Benson, Maddux Anderson, Coach Derrick Dengler, Al Rabenold.