Local salon owner is just the ticket

By Derek Bates

It’s almost impossible to watch television these days without the interruption of a 30-second political ad. It might make the ads more bearable to know many of them have a local connection.

Montezuma’s Taryn Anderson, owner/operator of Studio 6 Salon, is the candidate stylist in several political ads airing across the state, including a commercial for Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds.

Taryn Anderson, left, and Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds.

The opportunity came before Anderson in July, when she received a call from a medial solutions company saying she had been referred and came highly recommended to do hair and makeup. Anderson was asked to fulfill the position as the stylist for a series of commercial advertising shoots for Republican candidates. Anderson immediately accepted.

Anderson worked with nine Republican candidates in seven different locations, as crews filmed different scenes for each commercial.

What an unforgettable experience! said Anderson. “I was so grateful to have been part of this amazing adventure.”

So it goes in political circles, connections were made, doors were opened, and just recently, another opportunity presented itself to Anderson. This past week, Anderson received a call offering her the position to be the stylist working one-on-one with a state senator and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds for a commercial shoot on a farm in southeast Iowa.

What a dream come true,” said Anderson. “It was a remarkable opportunity and I was so honored to be considered!”

With Republican candidates expecting favorable results across Iowa and the country in next Tuesday’s General Election, Anderson might have just joined the winning ticket.

As far as the candidates are concerned, Anderson’s style has been approved!