Looking Back Fifty Years

By Al Rabenold

Where were you the week of July 16, 1970? #118

Winds up to 60 miles an hour knock down trees at the Gary Brouwer and Foster Pugh residences cutting off electricity in sections of the town. The activity sign on the east lawn of the school was blown down as well.

Eleven year-old David Erickson appears recovered from an emergency appendectomy in time to race his “Blue Dasher” in the Soap Box Derby regional competition to be held in Iowa City.

Several local businesses around the square get facelifts including Max Broscha’s Montezuma Locker Plant, the Ellis Supermart and the five-star Carter Hotel.

Senseless and violent rampage by vandals caused over $700 damage to the shelter house on the northwest side of Diamond Lake, causing Sherriff Max Allen to remark, “I hope this will make some parents stop and think as to where and what their kids are doing late at night”.

In School Board business: A budget of $693,060 was approved for the next school year, a reduction of $28,440. A new tennis court will be built on the southwest corner of school property. New lighting for the baseball field has been installed and the new quarter mile (440 yards) cinder track featuring a 220-yard straightaway has also been completed.

Jim Arendt fired a 111 to win the 27-hole championship flight in the annual men’s golf tournament at the Montezuma Country Club.

Former Montezuma head football coach, Charles Schulte, leaves his post at UNI to become an assistant football coach at Wisconsin State at Platteville.

LITTLE DEUCE COUPE: Carl Byers is pictured here with his entry, “Swagger Three”, for the Soap Box Derby competition in Iowa City on Sunday afternoon. This is the third year that the 13 year-old son of Mr. & Mrs. Myron Byers has competed in this contest.

Steve Wiley and Doug McKinney were the big sticks for Coach Darrell Brand’s Braves as they swept a doubleheader over HLV at Victor in the final regular season to move their record to 10-6. Ken Hopkins and Bob Vitera each got a win.

The MHS class of 1910 held their 60th year reunion. The class of 1910 had 13 members of which six are still living.

The MHS class of ’65 will hold their 5-year reunion at the City Park at 12 noon on July 19.

Supt. James Carroll’s salary of $16,006.98 tops the list as the school releases its financial statements for the past year. The retiring I. A. Gabriel in his 42nd and final year was paid $8,122.00.  

UNI Dean’s List includes former MHS grads Cheryl Berry, Liz McKee, Pam Stanford and Melvin Walker. No mention of Dennis Phelps, probably just a miscue.

ISU names Susan Braley to their spring Dean’s List along with former BGM Bear Jim Nervig. Still no word from Drake University.