Looking Back Fifty Years

By Al Rabenold

Where were you the week of August 6, 1970? (#121)

The Montezuma Marching Blue & White will perform at the Iowa State Fair on August 23.

New arrival at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Jim Arendt is Bradley James Arendt, weighing at seven pounds and six ounces. His two-and-one-half year-old sister, Jill, is thrilled.

Montezuma City Council proposes an extra policeman for Montezuma along with another patrol car.

Nine-year-old Russ Gabriel is at Children’s Hospital in Iowa City with a broken leg as a result of a car/motor bike accident at Lake Ponderosa.

Montezuma Lions will host the 15th annual Cornland Square Dance on the outdoor court behind the school along with the Chicken Barbecue on the Courthouse lawn.

The Montezuma area receives 6” of rain in 24 hours. The County Fairgrounds in Grinnell report a foot of water.

AT MONTEZUMA JAYCEES’ TRACTOR PULL: Using a walkie-talkie before cell phones were invented are Terry Audas and La Verne Jack. They are relaying information to WHO radio celebrity Don Warren of Des Moines, Blair Brooks, and Roger Watson.

Supt. James Carroll announces physical examinations for athletes will be held on August 5th at the main office with football conditioning to start August 15 with two-a-day practices.

Area graduates from UNI include Carol Gryp of Victor, Peggy Dieleman of Montezuma and Deborah  Stoeker of Deep River.

BIG PRIZE: The Ridiculous Days planning committee made up of John Kercheval, Ed Holland, and Dennis Johnston are head-over-heels excited about the $370 stereo console to be given away by the Montezuma Merchants!