Looking Back Fifty Years

By Al Rabenold

Where were you the week of October 15, 1970? (#131)

The MHS band, under the direction of John Wagner, marched and played to its fifth consecutive top rating at the state marching band contest at Williamsburg.

Bob Sanders was elected chief of the Montezuma Auxiliary Police Group. Bill Gregory will serve as captain.

Brothers Dick and Bill Vogt bag a 200-pound black bear in northern Wisconsin.

Ronald Schipper, AD and head football coach at Central College, will speak about “The Fellowship of Christian Athletes” at a meeting of the Methodists Men’s Club here.

FUTURE POLITICIANS:  MHS class officers for the 1970-71 school year included seniors on the front row, Harold Wheeler, Kathy Meissner, Rich Hubby, and Peg Watts.  In the second row are Juniors, Bill Van Cleave, Gene Baethke, Randy Dieleman, and Phyllis Bushong.  Third row Sophomore officers are, David Mann, Mike Mitchell, Bill Septer, and Kathy Snider.

Donald Malcon, MHS ’60, was the recipient of one of the highest awards of the national Jaycee organization at a meeting of the Pella Jaycee Chapter.

The Robert Widmer family of Deep River announced the birth of their new baby girl, Kathleen Renee.  She joins her sister Kim, age 8, and brother Kevin, age 4.

Roger Villers, MHS ’69, is one of the mainstays of UNI’s talented XC team. He lettered last year as a freshman.

Braves win their 5th straight with a 14-0 shutout of the Keota Eagles.  Lee Sharer gained 110 yards rushing on 16 carries.  Bob Buzard continues his excellent ball-handling from his quarterback position.

The Braves put their perfect 5-0 record on the line Friday night when they host non-conference foe Eldora.  MHS has a 10-game home field winning streak, dating back to October of 1968.

New arrival at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Oran Watson of Des Moines is Angela Lee.

Linnell Gruneich has been awarded the 190-71 D.A.R. award.

LITTLE GRIDDERS:  Eighth grade members of the 1970 Junior High football squad are pictured here with head coach Gayle Creswell, at left, and assistant Robert Albin, at right in the second row.  Team members included, from left, front row, Jon Mathes, Dennis Simpson, Marlyn Duinink, Brian Worthy, Bob Ahrens, Carl Byers, Marvin Gass.  Second row – Jerry Thomas, Eddie Smith, Randall Dalbey, Kevin Gibson, Kevin Brown, Doug Brouwer.  Third row – Ron Taylor, Barry Stanford, Mark Wiley, David Fleming, Larry Flander, Vernon Sanders, Bill Arendt.  The Little Braves finished their season on October 4 with a 2-3 record.