Looking Back Fifty Years

By Al Rabenold

Where were you the week of October 22, 1970? (#132)

Mayo Stanford makes plans to build an automatic car wash to be located on the west side of highway 63 south.

Another policeman will be assigned to help night policeman Hubert Gray in operating a radar unit in order to control speeders.

Montezuma firemen respond to Gary Wood’s corn picker that caught on fire.

The third-rated Braves race to a 22-0 halftime lead over non-conference foe Eldora in front of parents’ night crowd in their sixth straight win.

Lance Elliott was born on October 19, weighing in at a robust 8 pounds. (The son of Mr. & Mrs. Elliott will go on to become one of the best runners ever at MHS).

Coach Dennis Brand’s harriers finish in third place in the SICL XC meet held at Sigourney. Twelve runners finished under 11 minutes in the two-mile race. Jack Morrissey and Mark Ver Steegt, who also play football, led the team, followed by Bob McLain, Randy Dieleman and Daniel Wilcox.

SEVENTH GRADE MEMBERS of the Junior High football team included these boys from left, front row – Mark Bolen, Jeff Sanders, Kevin Rempp, Harold Hester, Mike Shea, Tim Watson and Sam Sharer.  Second row – Kevin Erquist, Chris Shea, Rick Hall, David Byers, Rick Dalbey, Kevin Gruneich, and Chris May.  Third row – Dan Gray, Cary Van Kampen, Kelly Bryan, Mark Shadley, Mike Meissner, and Joe Steele.  Not pictured is Sandy Landstrum.

Bill Van Cleave, Nancy Fleming, Joy Bryan, and Fred Gregory star in the comedy “Huckleberry Finn”.

Mr. Bob Albin and his senior shop class tour the Waterloo John Deere plant.

Cathie Sutherland pledged Pi Beta Phi social sorority at Iowa Wesleyan College.

Marcia Fleming is a junior at Central College majoring in elementary education.

Talented (and limber) baton twirler Susan Anderson leads the MHS Marching Band at pre-game and half-time performances.

Thursday night is Porch Light Night. Residents are encouraged to leave an outdoor light at dusk to welcome workers who will be calling on them for the Community Fund.