By Al Rabenold
Where were you the week of November 12, 1970? (#135)
Montezuma Lions Club sponsor their 7th consecutive Pancake Day, from 5:30 am to 2 pm in the Memorial Hall.
Former Braves hoops star, Ken Hopkins, is one of 20 newcomers listed on Northeast Mo. State College varsity basketball roster announced by veteran head coach Boyd King.
MHS harriers, Jack Morrissey, Dan Wilcox, Randy Dieleman, Mark VerSteegt, and Bob McLain, finish the season with a 3rd-place finish in the class C division at the state meet held at Marshalltown.

The pigskin gives way to the round ball as the Bravettes, winners of 61 straight games, participate in the North Linn Jamboree.
The annual FFA Parent-Son Banquet will be held November 18, according to FFA advisor, Ron Sheetz.
Brand’s Braves win their 13th straight game at Badger-Gabriel Field as they defeat the HLV Warriors, 37-12. Their 8-1 record, which includes five shutouts, is the best since 1949.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Berry are the proud parents of a new baby girl, Shelley Ann, born October 31.
Poweshiek County has 110 students among the record 19,620 enrolled at Iowa State University. This includes 19 from Montezuma.
The Braves announce their 17-game winter basketball slate which consists of 16 SICL games and one non-conference game, vs. North Mahaska.
The What Cheer Opera House will present Kitty Wells-Johnny Wright Country Music show with Bill Phillips and the Tennessee Mountain Boys.