By Al Rabenold
Where were you the week of November 19, 1970? (#136)
Plans are made for the Poweshiek County Jail to be renovated, including new footings, leveling of floors, new cell doors, and new plumbing. Some of the windows will be enclosed with glass blocks.
Teacher Larry Homes announced that 17 courses will be offered in the Montezuma School’s third annual Adult Education Program.
On Saturday the Montezuma gym will host six of the state’s finest girls’ basketball teams along with former Union-Whitten superstar Denise Long and a Des Moines gymnastics team as part of the IGHSAU Basketball Clinic.
Two adult education programs for farmers will be held at the school according to high school Voc. Ag. Instructor, Ron Sheetz.
Loren Roorda, chairman of the Lions Club’s seventh annual pancake day, said, “a 25-cent increase to $1.25 and shortened serving hours did nothing to discourage a record crowd estimated at 700 people”.
Mark Bolen and Robin Harry were among those who made the Junior High honor roll for the first nine weeks according to Principal Tom Erickson.

High school principal Lewis Lundy announced the first quarter honor roll. Juniors Phyllis Bushong and Randy Dieleman averaged 95% or better in all academic subject areas.
The Klindt Memorial gets rave reviews regarding the music flowing from the belfry of the courthouse including this written comment, “most uptown thing to come to town since running water.”
The Braves’ basketball first appearance in 1970-71 will be vs. New London at the Burlington Coaches Clinic. AFS student Gabriel Giani and a preacher’s kid from Moore, Oklahoma, are new additions to Coach Brand’s roster.
The Bravettes open their season with an 86-32 win over New Monroe. Sandy Van Cleave scored 40 points as the hometown gals won their 62nd straight game.
All sophomores, juniors and seniors were required to write a democracy theme. Essays written by Susan Anderson, Ann Peterson, Connie Mathes and Barb Braley were selected to be read at the Veteran’s Day assembly held at the school.