By Al Rabenold
Where were you the week of December 3, 1970? (#138)
Carroll Hammond acquitted here in front of a hushed and packed District Court on charges of against him in the fatal shooting of Jerry Linn outside a Searsboro tavern.
Postmaster Harold Lofgreen warns that he might have to close the lobby of the post office at 5:30 pm due to vandalism. He also asks that young people not use the post office parking lot and loading ramp as a gathering place at night.
Montezuma Community Fund drive exceeds its goal of $4,000 by nearly $1,100.
Coach Denny Brand’s Braves move to 2-0 with a 78-50 win over English Valleys. Oklahoma transfer, Carl Nichols, and “Wild Bill” Van Cleave lead the way with 28 points each.
Sophomore Rhea Dalbey, filling in for Kathy Meissner who was ill, leads the Bravettes to their 65th consecutive win with 36 points as the hometown gals romp to a 102-44 win over English Valleys.
Miss Holtz presents 18 awards to the girls who made the President’s Physical Fitness Team, including Susan Anderson and Karen Hall, who made the team for the third consecutive year.
Lorna Bryan is the Montezuma Republican’s Holiday Hostess with her recipe for Broccoli Casserole.

Max Allen bowls a high game of 265 on his way to a 3-game series of 655. Pat Watts bowls a 199 and Max Breniman rolls to a high game of 247.
U. S. Rep. John Kyl announces from Washington, D. C., that a $55, 280 insured 50-year loan from the Farmers Home Administration to the Montezuma Development Corporation has been approved for a senior citizens apartment building on the south side of Montezuma.
The King and Queen of Basketball will be crowned following the game with BGM on December 8th according to the GRA (Girls Recreation Association) who will use the penny votes to help fund the AFS program.
New arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hedrick is Chadwick Mark who was born on November 18. Chad has a big brother, Chris, who is 4 years old.
More good news from Star Lanes as Bob Rauch takes high honors for individual game and series with a 216 and 553. Carroll Smith bowls a 560 series while Butch Trinkle bowls a high game of 207. Keith Watts has a 253 high game on his way to a 583 series.