By Al Rabenold
Where were you the week of December 31, 1970? (#142)
Presbyterians to start 1971 in their new church, according to Rev. Martin Gruneich.
More than 1300 fans saw Kathy Meissner score 55 points in the title game as the Bravettes captured the PC Holiday Tournament championship by defeating the host team, Pella Christian, 98-75.
The DRM schools set lunch prices, just 35 cents at Deep River, while just down the road at Millersburg, the hot lunch is 40 cents.
Montezuma Postmaster Harold Lofgreen reports he has received complaints from people who have received obscene literature in the mail.
An intensive study by Voc. Ag. Instructor, Ron Sheetz, indicates most of MHS male graduates leave the area.
Three young country men were inducted into the Army on December 16: Richard Ryan of Brooklyn, Ernest Wilcox of Montezuma, and Dennis Wolf of Deep River.

Santa Claus arrived at the Montezuma Elementary school via snowmobile. Every student got a ride and Santa called each one of them by their name!
The O. C. Mason home was judged the first place winner in the Christmas lighting contests sponsored by the Monte Jaycees. Second place went to the Dick Rabenold home. The Bill Bolen home took home the third place prize of $5.00.
Doris James is the Montezuma Republican’s Holiday Hostess with her famous Ice Cream Punch recipe.
While Drake University student Randy Dieleman is enjoying the holiday vacation off the coast of Florida on Sanibel Island, brother Bruce Dieleman has been initiated into Beta Gamma Sigma, a business honor fraternity at Drake.
Loel Ferguson bowls a 239 and 209 on his way to a 638 series at Star Lanes.
Mrs. Gertrude Rieck of Deep River continues her long-standing tradition of bringing her hand-made gifts and a large assortment of plaster-of-Paris molds to the Montezuma kindergarten classes.