By Al Rabenold
Where were you the week of March 4, 1971? (#151)
Three MHS students, Carl Byers, Mike Meissner and Debbie Doonan received “one plus” ratings in the annual instrumental solo contests at Ottumwa.
Cadet Roger Cox, MHS ’70, has been named to the Commandant’s List at the U. S. Air Force Academy.
Don Schuldt was elected President of the County Fair Board for 1971.
Rodney Playle has been released from active duty according to the County Selective Service Board.
Area students named to the Dean’s List at Northeast Missouri State University in Kirksville, MO, include Vickie Mann, Darrell Ferneau, Brenda Hamor, Marilee Gruneich, and Terry Johnson. No such good news from Drake University.
Becky Hall and Mary Minner of Ozark Bible College squared off vs. a NE Mo. State squad that featured their former Bravette teammate, Brenda Hamor, and former North Mahaska star guard, Mary Stout of New Sharon. NEMSU won 50-47, at Springfied, MO.
Bravettes sadden Glabrook, 95-37 in a girls’ district tournament semi-final here in front of a capacity crowd. Freshman Nancy Steffy scores 7 points for the home team.
The Braves held a 51-11 halftime lead vs. Pella Christian to move on to the Sectional Semi-Finals. Carl Nichols scored a game-high 29 points while Billy “the Lefty” Van Cleave chipped in with 21.
Trailing after three quarters, the Braves squeezed by a fine North Mahaska squad, 46-41, at New Sharon to capture the Sectional Tournament title to advance to play Keota at Ottumwa.
With a third consecutive trip to state on the line, nearly 2,300 rabid fans watched the Bravettes defeat Pella Christian, 105-68, at LeGrand.

Del Axtell of Deep River received his degree in mechanical engineering from Iowa State University.
Singer-song writer, and musical recording artist, Butch “Wild Bill” Trinkle, bowls a high game of 190 at Star Lanes. The local dentist, Sam Mummey, has a high game of 216 on his way to a 579 series.
Pat Watts rolls a 225 and a 539 series. The Fahlenkamps, Don & Yvonne, dominate the Nite Owl League at Star Lanes.