Looking Back Fifty Years

By Al Rabenold

Where were you the week of April 1, 1971? (#155)

Montezuma Community School teachers get an annual raise of $100 as the Board of Education announces new teacher base pay of $6,900. 

Jim Arendt heads a sports booster group to place lighted signs at the four entrances to Montezuma proclaiming Montezuma as the Basketball Capital of Iowa.

The Montezuma Lions Club sponsors the Honor M Banquet with National Decathlon champion, Rick Wanamaker, as the featured speaker.

SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD WINNERS:  MHS Cheerleader coach, Mary Holtz, and her girls took home the first ever Sportsmanship Award after the boys state basketball tournament in March.  Front row:  Barb Braley & Carol Peterson.  Back row:  Coach Mary Holtz, Karen Fleming, Linnell Gruneich, Mary McWilliams, and Debra Hutchinson.

DR-M seniors present 3-act comedy – “Down to Earth” – at Deep River on Friday and at Millersburg on Saturday.

Area youths, including Rodney McKee, Tim Minner, Craig Latcham, Mark Drahfal, Barry Stanford, Steve Wright, and Marlyn Duinink, complete a tractor training course.

Nancy Gorsuch, MHS ’69, has been named to the Mid-America Intercollegiate Band.  Nancy is a sophomore at Central College and plays the B-flat clarinet.

Mrs. Gruneich’s piano students, Cindy Gauley, Bruce Helt, Greg Hansen, Beth Roorda, Pam Williamson, Brenda James, Shawn Laffe, Robin Henkle, LeAnn Bolen, Brenda Roorda, Lana Harry, Beth Hansen, Michael Arendt, Brian Helt, Lisa Schultz, Penne Baltisberger, Dianna Gray, Katie Morrissey, Debbie Evans, Nancy Mann, Carey Wengert and Janet Hudnut, will present a recital on Saturday afternoon at the Presbyterian Church.

Mr. & Mrs. John Thompson announce the birth of David Lee Thompson, born on March 25, weighing 5 lbs. 15 oz.

Kevin Miller, MHS ’70, is a member of the Northwest Missouri State University Bearcats golf team.

GAME OF THE CENTURY:  “Today’s Health” magazine writer Glenn Loyd, left, and Montezuma Republican photographer Roger Allen, on far right, “challenged” Sandy Van Cleave, middle, and Kathy Meissner, not pictured, to a game of 2-on-2 basketball.  Loyd and the former Lucas County star, Allen, were held well below their averages by the Bravettes belly button defense.  A replica of Allen’s Simpson College Redmen shorts can be found in the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in Springfield, MA.  PHOTO NOT BY ROGER ALLEN

FFA members Dennis Flander, Randy Latcham, Mike Phillips, Ron Meredith, Melvin Ranfeld, and Casey Pierce, receive bronze ratings at the district conference held in Winfield.

Carl Nichols named 1st team all-state.  Teammates Bill Van Cleave and Jim Casey receive honorable mention all-state.

Montezuma students receive a “2-hour” spring break in order to make up regular school days that were cancelled earlier due to snowstorms.