Looking Back Fifty Years

By Al Rabenold

Where were you the week of April 8, 1971? (#156)

Montezuma City Council pushes spring clean up with the city dump being open six days next week.  Council also discusses the removal of abandoned cars as well as tearing down several vacant houses that are eyesores.

The remodeling of the Memorial Hall is about completed.  The floor has been sanded and refinished with some inside painting yet to be done. The Mayor has received several applications for the hall’s custodian job along with discussion regarding rental and maintenance of the hall.

The Wild West continues. Poweshiek County Sheriff Max Allen makes two arrests for the “rustling” of pigs, calves, and heifers.

HOLIDAY HOSTESS Mrs. Duane Phelps baked her Easter special, Carrot Cookies, for their son, Dennis, a sophomore scholar at UNI and her three daughters still at home.

More Wild West action as an armed robbery nets $113 at a home west of Grinnell by two men about six feet tall, wearing ski masks.  A shot was fired during the holdup.

New state highway maps are now available free of charge at the Republican office and the Court House.  The map costs four cents per copy but the present fourth rate mailing rates are six cents per copy.  Nearly a million Iowa maps were distributed last year.

Three Montezuma students, Joan Lammers, Pamela Stanford, and Melvin Walker, have been named to the Dean’s List at UNI.  Inadvertently left off the list was Dennis Duane Phelps of rural Deep River.

Iowa Wesleyan College students Cathy Sutherland of Montezuma and Nancy Sanders of Deep River are doing their student teaching in eastern Iowa.

Several Junior High students, grades 7, 8 & 9, earned straight A’s for the third nine weeks.  Congratulations to Kevin Gruneich, Laine Lundy, Bob Ahrens, Carl Byers, David Arendt, Karen Hopkins, Cindy McIlrath, and Carey Wengert.

NEW CHEERLEADERS for the 1971-72 school year include these energetic, enthusiastic young ladies.  Front row left to rt:  Carey Wengert, Patti Malloy, Nancy Mann, Marcy McCombs, Cheryl Bushong and Karen Hopkins.  Back row:  Debbie Hutchinson, Joyce Wheeler, Michelle Tarvin, Jane Bowers, Carol Peterson, Delight Watt, and Gayle Poe. 

Central College student Kathy Tanke is helping students with their reading in the Pella elementary school system.

Congratulations to Bill Rempp and Leslie Steele, first- and second- place winners in the local Master Corn Grower Contest.

From the Horse’n Around column in the Blue and White student newspaper, Mr. Stripling: “Deb, why is your report card so bad”?  Debbie Stripling:  “You know how it is Dad.  Things are always marked down after Christmas”.

Don Fahlenkamp bowls 244 in two different leagues!  Suzanne Henry has a high game of 206.  Russ Wiley and Pat Van Cleave bowl games of 205.  Max Breniman bowls a 539 series.

THE YEAR OF THE TOWERING TOTEMS was the theme of the annual Honor M Banquet.    A record crowd of 367 were serve meals in the Junior High gym before adjourning to the high school gym for recognition of 140 students and their coaches.  Miss Erickson’s Home Economics class served the meal that was prepared by the school cooks.