By Al Rabenold
Where were you the week of April 15, 1971? (#157)
Montezuma AFS chapter elects Doris Bowers as president as they make plans to raise funds to bring a tenth exchange student to Montezuma.
Deputy John Griffin graduates from Iowa Law Enforcement Academy at Camp Dodge.
The Deep River-Montezuma Trail Riders take part in the Pony Express Ride for Camp Sunnyside, raising nearly $38,000 statewide.
Winner of the Master Soybean contest is Loren Roorda, with a yield of 58.20 bushels per acre. Stuart Fleming finishes second, with Richard Hudnut third.
The Montezuma Jaycees begin taking orders for a tree planting program again this year.
Gary McKeag is pictured showing off his six-pound bass that he caught at Lake Ponderosa.
Walter Hockey’s Monte 66 Service, located at the corner of North 4th Street and Washington Street in Montezuma, sponsors a local boys’ pitch-hit-throw contest for those ages 9-12.
MHS Principal Mr. Lundy announces that Kathy Meissner has been selected by the faculty as the winner of 1971 Good Citizenship Award of the Iowa State Bar Association.
David Mann is elected FFA president, with Gary Bru as vice-president.
The local chapter of MHS Future Homemakers of America, under the expert guidance of Miss Erickson, holds an installation ceremony for newly-elected officers.
Former standout MHS baton twirler, Sandy Linn, gives birth to a baby boy.
Coach Dennis Brand has 42 boys out for track including standout hurdler, Mike Gabriel. Gabriel will be joined by fellow hurdlers Rich Hudnut, Jim Grife and Marvin Walker.
The first ever Montezuma Invitational Track meet will be held May 11. The Boys’ State Meet for Class C will be held May 15 at North Mahaska.
Coach Jerome Stripling’s boys’ golf team wins the first two meets. Dan Steffy, Jeff Stripling, Dick Rabenold and Mark Pugh are the Braves top four scorers.
Dale Watts bowled a high game of 215 on his way to a 588 series at Star Lanes Bowling Alley.