Looking Back Fifty Years

By Al Rabenold

Where were you the week of April 22, 1971? (#158)

The City Council is concerned that “the town is going to the dogs” as Mayor Hedrick and majority of the councilmen have received an increasing number of complaints about dogs running loose in town.

According to Fire Chief Keith Watts, many vacant houses and buildings in town are not only an eyesore but have become a fire and health hazard.  City council gave unanimous approval to have vacant buildings destroyed.

IN THE SPRING OF 1971 head coach Dennis Brand and assistant coach Tom Tipton were in charge of these 42 Braves who participated in the first varsity track meet held on the new track just west of the high school.  Can you name them?

Frank Wheeler Construction Company has poured footings for senior citizens apartments in south Montezuma, now known as Sunnyview Square.

The Montezuma Merchants donate $100 to purchase additions to the “Welcome to Montezuma” highway entrance signs.

Republican editor/photographer, Roger Allen, receives awards at the Iowa Press Convention in Des Moines.

Bill Reams, MHS ’59, is honored as 1971 Industrial Arts Teacher of the Year for his work at Vinton High School at the National Convention held in Miami, Florida.

The State Board to hear DR-M school taxpayers’ protest regarding the construction of additions to the Deep River and Millersburg buildings.

Coach Dennis Brand and his Braves, led by Jack Morrissey, won the 25th annual Ottumwa Relays.  Marv Walker took honors in the shot put.

GIRLS TRACK became just the second sport for the MHS girls to participate in.  These young ladies pictured here were under the guidance of co-coaches Carroll Rugland and Ron Willrich in the spring of 1971, fifty years ago.  How many do you recognize?

Coach Stripling’s Braves golfers set a school record with a 158 team meet score.  Dan Steffy led the way with a 38.

Northwest Missouri State University Bearcat freshman, Kevin Miller, MHS ’70, shoots a 73 to help defeat Peru State College in men’s golf.

Cadet Craig McKee, MHS ’68, speaks to several area groups during his spring break from the U. S.  Military Academy located in West Point, N. Y.

Mrs. Grace Grosenbach’s vocal students bring home a total of 18 “ones” and “two” ratings from State Small Group Music Contest.  Congrats to individuals Sandra Hildebrand, Don Urfer, Roxane Dalbery, Crystal VanKampen, Linda Wilder and Mike Mitchell.

MHS Band Instructor John Wagner reports that Steve McKeag gets a “1” in his instrumental solo at the Small Group Contest.

KINDERGARTEN ROUNDUP in the spring of 1971 featured three sets of twins.  From left to rt:  Mac & Mindy Harry, Lisa & Linda Playle, and Donna & James McClure.