Looking Back Fifty Years

By Al Rabenold

Where were you the week of May 6, 1971? (#160)

Policeman Hubert Gray gave a report on the use of radar speed detectors in Montezuma.

New arrival at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Rae VanRoekel is Danny Jon VanRoekel.  He has a 14-month-old sister, Rita Marie.

An overflow crowd of 300 attended the dedication ceremony at the new Presbyterian Church.

MHS is one of 17 schools assigned to the North Mahaska boys’ district track meet on Saturday.  Field events and preliminary running events start at 9:30 a.m.  Finals are set to start at 1:00 p.m.

Keith Walsh is one of 20 Montezuma Jaycees who cleaned up the roadway to the city dump, filling five pickup loads of debris in less than three miles.

Local American Legion names Dallas Ferneau to Boys State.  Auxiliary selects Jan Carl for Girls State.

SARAH KERCHEVAL was the Montezuma Republican’s Holiday Hostess.  By the looks on daughter Deborah’s face, the spicy cookies were a big hit. PHOTOS BY ROGER ALLEN

The first-ever MHS Invitational Track Meet to be held Tuesday, May 11.  Final running events start at 6:45 IF the lights are installed by then.

Hazel Sigafoose gets a kiss from music star Wayne King while backstage at the What Cheer Opera House.

Airman John J. Beaderstadt of Brooklyn completed his basic training at Kessler AFB, Mississippi.  He is a BGM graduate, class of ’69.

School nurse, Laura Mitchell, announces an immunization clinic to be held in the Jr. High gym with protective dosages for a wide variety of diseases.

David Henry of Deep River along with Uwe Meyer & Robert Wemer of Montezuma were three of 11 Poweshiek County men released from active duty in the armed services.

Mike Gabriel led the Braves with first place in both the 120-yard high hurdles and the 180 lows in a dual track meet with Belle Plaine held on the new track.  Doug McKinney was first in the pole vault at 11 feet. Jack Morrissey took first with a 4:55.7 mile.

WELCOME TO MONTEZUMA signs were constructed on all four entrances to our city.  On the left are the famous Van Cleave siblings, Sandy and Mike.  On right are two outstanding basketball players, Carl Nichols and Peg Watts.  This MHS quartet posed for a promotional picture for the Montezuma Telephone Company – for free – and they were glad to do it!

Mark Pugh played the best round of his career, shooting a 39, to lead the Braves to 165-170 win over Iowa Valley.

Coach Dennis Brand called his team’s performance at the SICL meet “the best ever by a Monte track team”.  The foursome of Van Cleave, Ferneau, Kercheval, and Schuldt set a new conference two-mile relay record by six seconds.

Larry Iverson receives the FFA Iowa Farmer award at the annual conference in Sioux City.

Cadet Alan McKeag earns academic honors at the Wentworth Military Academy.

Jim Casey and Marvin Walker take top academic honors for the 1971 senior class.