Looking Back Fifty Years

By Al Rabenold

Where were you the week of May 27, 1971? (#163)

Montezuma School commencement exercises will be held at 8:00 pm on Friday, May 28th in the senior high school gymnasium.

The 1971 Class motto:  “Out of school life, into life’s school.”

Saturday is “Poppy Day” in Montezuma where you can buy small red artificial flowers in remembrance of the servicemen who lost their lives in the nation’s wars.

Memorial Day services will be held on Sunday, May 30th at 2:00 pm in the cemetery.

Roger Watson opens a printing shop in Montezuma, located on the west side of the town square in the Bryan building.

BECAUSE MAY IS BEEF MONTH County Extension Director Chuck Wengert is shown here delivering a seven-pound sirloin tip roast to Montezuma home economics teacher Miss Nancy Erickson.

Earl De Jong’s 25 years of service at the Monte Elevator will be celebrated on June 2.

Eleven year-old Matthew Drafahl is the winner of an Amoco Skyrider bicycle from Ron’s Standard.

Bob Haworth is a candidate for the Master Pork Producer award on June 29.

Terry Johnson, an Agriculture Ed. major, named to the Dean’s Honor Roll at NE Missouri State University at Kirksville. 

The Montezuma Cooperative Bible School will be held at the elementary school June 2, 3, 4, and 7 through 11.  Classes will be held from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m.

Bruce Dieleman, MHS ’67, is one of 800 undergraduate students who received their degrees at Drake University’s 90th annual commencement.

Mike Gabriel set new school records in the 120-yard high hurdles and the 180 lows.  Both the mile medley and two-mile relay team established new records as well.

Coach Brand announces 21 track letter-winners in a year when the Braves finished runner-up to Belle Plaine in four different meets.  Belle Plaine went on to win the State Title.

NEW MHS MUSIC DEPARTMENT HALL OF FAME MEMBERS Harold Wheeler and Sandy Hildebrand had their names permanently inscribed on the plaque they are holding.  Miss Hildebrand was also the winner of the John Phillip Sousa award.