Looking Back Fifty Years

By Al Rabenold

Where were you the week of June 10, 1971? (#165)

Tornado strikes Montezuma! Lightning strikes twice as Edwin Bryan’s  100-year-old barn was destroyed a year ago and now another tornado took his new barn.  Bob Brownell’s shortwave radio antenna was turned into spaghetti.  The 75-foot tower was braced with guy wires strong enough to support 10,000 pounds. 

Ron Gonder was named the new WMT sports director succeeding the legendary Tait Cummins.  Tait joined WMT in 1946 as the state’s first full-time sports broadcaster.

Eight year-old Diane Erickson won an Amoco Skyrider bicycle from Ron’s Amoco (where Caseys is today).

The MHS graduating class (20 students) of 1921 celebrated its 50th year class reunion.  Twelve of the 17 still living attended.

The John Westercamps hosted a graduation party at their home honoring their son, Ron, a member of the MHS senior class.

PAST AND PRESENT Montezuma School superintendents participated in the May 28 commencement exercises – from left, R. A. Vanderwal, Dr. Leland Thomson and James D. Carroll.

Roger Lee Gregson, Jr. was born May 26, weighing five pounds and thirteen ounces.

The Searsboro class of 1931 held its 40th anniversary at the school building in Searsboro with 9 of the 11 members in the graduating class attending.

Rod Enderson, MHS ’67, received a Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education and Health form the University of Northern Iowa.

Tim Watson and his sister, Debbie Watson, were both named to the Junior High Honor Roll with an “A” average.  Future bankers and cousins Mark Bolen and David Arendt also make the “A” honor roll.

Debby Allen, Nancy Steffy and Debra Doonan are enrolled in the Parsons College girls basketball camp at Fairfield.

Charles Coffey, MHS ’67, earned a B. A. in Economics from UNI.

Airman First Class Guy A. Drafahl graduated at Lowry AFT, Colorado, from the U. S. Air Force nuclear weapons special course.