Looking Back Fifty Years

By Al Rabenold

Where were you the week of June 17, 1971? (#166)

Next week will be our 167th consecutive and last Looking Back column.  We hope our readers have enjoyed “Looking Back 50 Years Ago” over the past three years plus.  Thanks to the Poweshiek County Historical Society, Shirley Dunham, and Roger Allen for making this local historical column possible.  It started with the town’s 150th Celebration in the summer of 1968, followed by all 52 weeks in both 1969 & 1970 and halfway through the wonderful year of 1971.  In the future I may resurface with something new for The Record.

– Al Rabenold

Diamond Lake Park custodian, Harlan Wolford, reports record-breaking number of campers this season. An estimated 1,600 persons have camped overnight at the park since the season opened March 20.

Senior-to-be Debbie Stripling is one of 32 Iowa high school girls named to attend the first Iowa High School Girls Basketball Academy at Ida Grove.  She will be eligible for one of six $500 college scholarships to be given by Byron Godbersen of Midwest Industries.

Montezuma Pony League baseball catchers are Ron Taylor and Tim Watson.

JOHN WAGNER is the Republican’s Holiday Host with his recipe for “Chicken Cracklin’s” as the MHS’s talented band director traded his baton for a carving knife to conduct a “symphony” is his kitchen. PHOTOS BY ROGER ALLEN

Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Erickson of Stanhope announced the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Nancy Ann, to Roger Allen, son of Mrs. Edwin Allen of Lucas.  A July 10 wedding is planned.

Chris Wells, MHS ’67, was one of four Grinnell College seniors selected to speak at the college’s baccalaureate assembly on May 27.

Dr. Timothy Grier received the degree of Doctor of Optometry from the Illinois College of Optometry.

Bill Bolen, Larry Hasley and Kevin Miller were among the top golfers in the Poweshiek County Golf Tournament held at the Grinnell Country Club.

Montezuma native Dale Crider was among 98 men who were commissioned as officers in the U. S. Army, Air Force and Navy preceding the U of Iowa Commencement exercises in May in Iowa City.

Jerry Ulin and Kevin Kudart were among those children attending the Jackson Church of Christ Bible School.

THE CLASS OF 1946 celebrated its 25th anniversary class reunion on Memorial Day at the city park, with the representation above present from the 37 who had graduated together.  Front row, front left:  Irma Bunnell Arnaman, Bernice Johnson Watts, Anne Griffin Steele, Maxine Hoelzle Simpson, Anna Mae McNaul Wakeley, Vivian Newton Shipman. Second row:  Delores Bryan Gillam, Gladys Stauffer Shutts, Bill Douglass, Mildred Tish Bringman, Colleen Tish Johnson, Estel Darland, Lyle Peters. Back row:  Former Supt. R. A. Vanderwal, Melvin Snider, Robert Broadston, Robert Fulton, Chuck Kiner.  Mrs. Kenneth Cox came to the reunion after the picture was taken.