BELLE PLAINE – Five Montezuma wrestlers competed in dual meets against Iowa Valley and Belle Plaine on Thursday, Jan. 14.
Martavious Knox of the Braves pinned an opponent. The rest of Montezuma’s wins came via the forfeit route.
Vs. Iowa Valley
152 – Colton Hudepohl, IV, pinned Braxton Simpson, time not available.
220 – Martavious Knox, M, pinned Millie Peach, 4:16.
285 – Kennen Roadcap, M, won by forfeit.
126 – Karter Thiessen, IV, pinned Marshall Rovedo, :52.
145 – Pierce Kiewitz, IV, pinned Derek Fry, 1:00.
Dual – Iowa Valley 66, Montezuma 12
Vs. Belle Plaine
145 – Erik Snyder, BP, pinned Derek Fry, :32.
152 – Ethan Hamilton, BP pinned Braxton Simpson, :22.
220 – Martavious Knox, M, won by forfeit.
285 – Kennen Roadcap, M, won by forfeit.
130 – Marshall Rovedo, M, won by fofreit.
Dual: Belle Plaine 60, Montezuma 18.