Thunderstorms during May caused damage at Montezuma High School, including water which got on the floor in the North Gym.
“An air unit blew over on the North Gym, as well as some general damage that occurred on the roofs of the North and Central gyms,” Acitivites Director Tim Burgess said.
He added that water in the building was not detected over a weekend period.
“The water damage to the floor was considerable,” Burgess said.

“At this time, the gym floor has been stripped down and we are waiting for the next stage of work to begin. After the floor is back down, the lines, etc., will be painted, then the floor will get the standard treatment it receives every year,” Burgess said.
“Our hope is that this will be completed by the start of the school year,” Burgess said.
As you might imagine, not having a gym available causes scheduling problems, even during summer.
“I appreciate the patience our coaches have had durng this process,” Burgess said. “Going from two gyms back to one has been a great reminder of how lucky we are. Coaches have done a tremendous job working together to schedule gym times for their programs,” he said.
“We look forward to returning to normal around the end of August,” Burgess said.