Mayor praises Lions Club – and joins!

Mayor Jacki Bolen talks to the Montezuma Lions. (Roger Allen photo).

By Roger Allen

Montezuma Mayor Jacki Bolen discussed some of her goals for the city and reviewed some of the challenges and achievementssince becoming mayor in 2020 at the Montezuma Lions Club meeting on Sept. 26.

Her topics included a completed street paving project, and Amwood Homes establishing a headquarters here after the derecho.

The mayor said street repairs are planned, but they are limited by a current street budget of $50,000 per year.

On her “wish list,” Mayor Bolen would like to see the last two lots in the South Diamond development sold, “getting the city out of the real estate business.” Another goal is continuing the progress that has been made on residential cleanup.

Something the mayor is concerned about is the town’s water supply. She said an alternative source for water will be needed when Diamond Lake closes for dredging. She anticipates a deep well will need to be drilled and that will be costly to do.

The mayor said she is trying to pro-actively steer the city rather than be reactive. She desires more civic engagement by residents and organizations. In that regard, she praised the Lions club. She said, “For a solid 75 years we have been fortunate enough to have a service club like yours.”

She added, “You have contributed from our youth to our elderly. You’ve provided entertainment, you have kept our community clean, you’ve given to our school and you have fed us.” She joked, “Are you really from Montezuma if you haven’t had a Lions Club chicken dinner? Doubtful.”

Mayor Bolen went on to say to the Lions, “You have participated in community events that connect our residents and keep traditions alive. You have been a large part of keeping our community emotionally rooted. Your members are friends and neighbors to everyone in town. As the Montezuma Lions Club you clearly live up to your mission. You strengthen our community, you support those in need, you are leaders and you provide humanitarian services. You are committed to Montezuma and we appreciate you.”

Showing she is passionate about Montezuma, Mayor Jacki finished her prepared comments saying, “When we get intentional about doing what we can to strengthen and build up our community now, we’re doing more than just surviving. With your help we will successfully continue forward movement. We are Montezuma.”

The Lions token designed by Bill Bollen II. (Roger Allen photo).

After her presentation Mayor Bolen announced that she and her husband, Bill Bolen II, are accepting the invitation to become members of the Lions club.

She distributed a gift for each person present, a stamped metal token made by Bill. It is in the shape of the Lions emblem with a large “L” in the center encircled by the words LIONS and 75 YEARS, with MONTEZUMA embossed across it.