MHS girls earn wrestling medals

COLFAX – Two Montezuma wrestlers competing for BGM’s team made it to the medals stand at a 23-team tournament at Colfax-Mingo on Saturday, Jan. 21.

Coral Lowry earned fifth place at 135 pounds, while Taya Sincox was sixth at 135.

Sincox had a 3-2 record on the day, while Lowry went 2-1 in a weight division that had a smaller field.

Taytin Chamberlin competed at 135. She had an 0-2 record and did not place.

125 – Taya Sincox, 6th place

Sincox pinned Kaylee Hedrick, Chariton, 4:57.

Heaven Steege, WACO, pinned Sincox, 4:40.

Sincox pinned Sara Higgins, Ames, 0:52.

Sincox pinned Emma Daggett, Ankeny, 2:25.

For fifth place – Cami Yuen, West Des Moines Valley, pinned Sincox, 3:49.

135 – Coral Lowry, 5th place

Annaleese Areiniega, Osage, beat Lowry, 3-0.

Lowry pinned Greta Stecker, Boone, 0:27.

For fifth place – Lowry pinned Elizabeth Thomas, Pella, 4:49.

135 – Taytin Chamberlin, did not place

Ellie Brennan, Mid-Prairie, pinned Chamberlin, 1:38

Claire Breur, Newton, beat Chamberlin, 8-2.