It will be a Father’s Day graduation and a parade for the Montezuma High School class of 2020 on Sunday, June 21.
Graduation is scheduled for a 3 p.m. start in the air-conditioned north gym.
Social distancing will be applied and families will be limited to the number attenting. The school will announce more details later in the week.
After graduation, there will be a parade around town to honor the class. It should start about 4 p.m.
The school said it plans to live stream the event on its Facebook page.
Here is the parade route:
South out of the north parking lot,
west on Irwin St.,
south on 3rd St. to Liberty St.,
east on Liberty St. to Fourth St.,
north on 4th St. and back to the school.
School officials called it kind of a reversal of the route most are used to, but they explained it will help people to park at First Evangelical Presbyterian Church and the Family Center, all around the square, on side streets, and in the south lot at the school.