By Liesl Roorda
Drama Coach
THORNBURG – On Saturday, Feb. 6, Montezuma speech students and coaches traveled to State Large Group Competition where 3 judges viewed, commented, and rated their performances.
At the completion of Montezuma’s performances, all received ratings of 1 from all three judges.
As is tradition, Montezuma community members and families traveled and supported the students and were greatly entertained.
State competition is typically held at a large high school where all of the schools from a quadrant of the state meet and perform in multiple centers. But this year small contests were held in person and virtually.
Montezuma traveled to Tri-County and performed in one time block and then headed home.
It was the shortest state contest day in coaches memory, but extremely successful.
Our new coach of the musical theatres and improv team is Kelly Kaup.
She said the Musical Theater teams worked incredibly hard this season tackling challenging choreography and difficult harmonies.
The Improv team showed impressive teamwork making the audience laugh through their original storyline. Each team’s hard work led them to a well deserved I rating from each judge.
Congratulations to the following groups and performers:
Freshmen Musical Theatre (Little Mermaid): Lily Shoemaker, Faith Ferry, Isabella Roorda, Camryn Brennan, Madison VanZee, Lydia Singleton, Kaya Latcham
Musical Theatre (Little Women): Maddy Flemming, Ashlyn Huff, Haley Roorda, Tia Shaffer
Ensemble Acting (The Importance of Being Ernest): Kaleah Shoemaker, Miah Foubert, Peter Roberts
Group Improv: Jacob Facile, Kiara Bru, Haley Roorda, Aly Gunderson, Lexi Ferneau
Musical Theatre (Annie): Brayden Stockman, Kiara Bru, Kaleah Shoemaker