MHS Sports Trivia Question

MONTEZUMA HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS TRIVIA … a weekly feature in by Al Rabenold.

THE ANSWER TO LAST WEEK’S QUESTION: Tony DiCecco coached six of the most prolific scorers in school history from 1973-89. Here they are along with their career point totals: Ruth Fleming, 2834; Michelle Criswell, 2298; Laine Lundy, 1861; Donna McClure, 1738; Stephanie Stripling, 1736; and Cheryl Iverson, 1729.

Congratulations to our winner, Michelle Criswell Van Zante! Other contestants who got at least 3 correct were: Liz Henry, Kelly Sterk, Alex Brownell, Eric Meyer and Rob Rindels and like Trump, many of them wanted a recount as they “voted” for Cathy Hansen, Mel James, Rhonda Caves and Janel Burgess.

THIS WEEK’S SPORTS TRIVIA: In November of 1982, Iowa became one of the first states to experiment with a three-point goal in basketball. Can you name the Brave who scored the first trey in school history in the 1982-83 season? Contact me with your answer via social media with the winner(s) earning a shout out in!