MHS Sports Trivia Question

THE ANSWER TO LAST WEEK’S SPORTS TRIVIA:  Three MHS wrestlers, Wes Pargeon, 1989, Travis Johannes, 1992, and Don LaGrange, 1994, came close to winning an individual state championship in the late 80s and early ‘90s, under the tutelage of Coach Gary Strobel.  According to chatter on social media, Travis and Donnie both lost to the same opponent, Odgen’s Jason Kennan, a 4-time state champ, by identical scores of 4-2.  Besides Wes, Travis, and Donnie, we also heard from Rob Walker and Mike Thompson.

THIS WEEK SPORTS TRIVIA QUESTION:  In the last 15 years, just five Bravette basketball players have been named to the Academic All-State team. Can you name the first one so honored?  Bonus points if you can name all five.  Contact me with your answer via social media with the winner(s) earning a shout out!