MONTEZUMA HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS TRIVIA … a weekly feature by Al Rabenold.
THE ANSWER TO LAST WEEK’S SPORTS TRIVIA QUESTION: In 1971 Carl Nichols and Bill Van Cleave were named to the all-tournament team as were Rich Grife and Jamie Arendt in 1990. Both Nichols and Grife were named captains as they dominated the 3-game state at tournament. Kelly Sterk was the first with the correct answer. We also heard from Chad Stanford, Mark Watts, Marie Boulton, Dick Rabenold, Missy Woods, and Jim Arendt.
THIS WEEK SPORTS TRIVIA QUESTION: This week we start with spring sports trivia questions. What year did MHS start high school girls track and who was the Bravettes head coach? Contact me with your answer via social media with the winner(s) earning a shout out!