Mntezuma Lions: 75 years of service

By Roger Allen
First in a series

(This article several to follow will attempt to recapture and recall some of the club’s history – its people, its meeting places, its fund-raisers, its service projects, and its impact on the Montezuma community and beyond. Readers who have knowledge of specific missing details, or with brief personal memories they would like to share are invited to do so.)

Seventy-Five Years Ago this month – specifically April 21, 1947 – at its Charter Night Banquet, the Montezuma Lions Club officially became part of Lions Clubs International, which was and still is the world’s largest service organization.

The Montezuma club was in the critical formative stage weeks ahead of the formal receipt of its charter.

A prominent front page headline in the March 20, 1947 Montezuma Republican (hereafter referred to as “the Republican” or the “MR”) stated, “Lions Club Formed for Montezuma.” The sub-headline announced, “Wayne Hill (Elected) President of Enterprising Organization,” and a second sub-head announced, “Charter to be Held Open Until April 21.”

IN THIS PHOTO from 1954 are members of the Montezuma Lions Club out for a work party that includes several of the club’s charter members. Pictured are, from left, standing: Bob Brownell, Norman McFarlin, W.L. Pitka, R J.H. Badger, Carl Cummings, Mel Arendt, Stanley Hutchinson, Keith Moore, Neal McKinley and Elvin Taylor. Seated: Keith Steffy, Tom Scott, Hilbert Beebe, Stanley Sanders, Dr. W.M. Page, Ross Brooks and I.A. Gabriel. (Montezuma Republican photo by another Lion, David Sutherland.)

Charter Officers Selected

The March 20 article said, “A Lions Club, the leading service club in Iowa, was organized last Wednesday night in Montezuma, when a group of interested men met at the court room.”

Wayne Hill was elected to head a group of officers chosen to serve the balance of the Lions’ fiscal year ending July 1. Other officers plus their committee chairmanships were as follows: Irving Gabriel, first vice-president, and membership chairman; Gene Hopton, second vice-president and program chairman; Maynard Hutchinson, third vice-president and finance chairman; Jack Swink, secretary and treasurer; David Sutherland, Lion Tamer; E.W. McNeil, Tail Twister; Cletus Harden and Carroll Byers, directors for two year terms; and Thomas Ross and Keith Steffy, directors for one year terms.

NOTE: All charter members are listed in a graphic that is a page from the charter night program.

It was noted that President-elect Hill was a former member of the Boone Lions Club and Vice-President-elect Gene Hopton formerly belonged to the Ashley, ND Lions Club. Membership invitations to be a charter member were extended. All members taken in before April 21 qualified.

The organization meeting was conducted by Lion Carroll Mitchell of Clarinda, representing Lions Clubs International. Montezuma became the 115th Lions club in Iowa.

Montezuma Lions Received Charter

Under the above main headline in The MR, two sub-headlines said, “Presented in Form Monday Night in Odd Fellows Hall” and “Fine Banquet and Good Program Made Evening Exceptionally Pleasant.” Nearly 100 persons were present for the meal prepared by members of the Rebekah Lodge – “and nicely served by the Theta Rho girls.”

The Rev. Guthnicht of Oskaloosa was the toastmaster. Garret Lenhart of WHO (Radio), who was also district governor for District 9-B, was the featured speaker. It was reported that he told of the advantages of belonging to the club and of “the excellent work done by members all over this country.”

He noted that chapters were to be found in 18 other countries. (That number is now over 200.) The evening concluded with Lenhart presenting the charter and a prediction for a bright future for the new club.

The Montezuma chapter was sponsored by the Oskaloosa Lions Club. (Coincidentally, about 65 years later the Montezuma club was the sponsor for the “resurrected” second version of the Oskaloosa club.)

A request for help footnote: The Montezuma club’s framed charter plus its engraved club brass bell and gavel have been missing for several years. Past and present members, and owners and staff of past meeting places, please look in your storage places!