Montezuma girls, Keota boys get a win

KEOTA – When Montezuma and Keota play any boys sport, it’s usually pretty important, like it was in the boys post-season basketball tournament, when the state champion Braves survived, 53-51, against the Eagles.

It was huge once again on Wednesday, June 9, when an important baseball game between the two went down to the final pitch. . .with Keota winning, 4-3.

And, our purpose here isn’t to cover just the boys. This story is about scores and guess what – the Bravettes have a two-game winning streak going!

Montezuma beat Keota 10-7 in softball, in the process securing their first SICL league victory!

COME BACK here Thursday, when we’ll have more detail, including stats.

UP NEXT – Both Montezuma teams are home Friday, June 11, when they’ll square off against English Valleys.