By Keith Brake
Montezuma Magazine editor
I hope you enjoy my coverage of Montezuma school sports and activities here on Montezuma Magazine.
I have provided this online service for a number of years, including the last three despite moving 170 miles to Cuba City, Wis.
It’s my wife’s home town. She wanted to retire to here. So, here we are! It’s neat as a pin, with some great people.
But, I have lived and worked in six different small towns, in Iowa, Illinois and now Wisconsin. I am affirming that Montezuma, Iowa, U.S.A., is one very special place!

I work for special readers, for whom I write short headlines and give stories a positive spin. I remember how, as a teen, I enjoyed seeing games written that way the next day (or week) in the local paper.
Not every kid gets to have a local journalism experience these days. But in Montezuma, it remains possible.
Excellent cooperation by Montezuma administrators and coaches, plus online statistical services and live stream broadcasts have helped to make this possible.
For me, it’s enjoyable. It’s my hobby. It was a paying job for more than 50 years. So far I’ve resisted temptations to do it for other school districts, who could use some positive spin.
I have this vision of helping to make Montezuma a team the entire USA can adopt and follow. And, if not the entire USA, then the MHS alumna and alumni, wherever they may be!
I have resisted making my readers pay for my service. It’s not a membership website.
I wish to keep it that way.

I’m also not accepting paid advertising. The reason – I don’t believe we’re at the point where Montezuma Magazine is a viable vehicle for Montezuma businesses. Getting there, but not quite there yet. As of Aug. 14, the site has had 471,593 page views. But, that’s since I started it. And that wasn’t just yesterday!
I do incur some costs. I have to pay for the Montezuma Magazine domain name. I have paper and toner costs, too. Not great, but something.
We’re not talking thousands of dollars, or even many hundreds.
I do accept donations to aid my effort.

How much?
Think in terms of little kids running up to the concession stand. They’re almost always waving $20 bills.
If a number of you could do that, or something close to it, it would simply be great.
It’s the start of the school year, so we’ll keep up this effort through September.
Please donate today, to this community journalism effort!
Thank you!!
You can send to:
Keith Brake
500 South Jefferson St., Apt. 2
Cuba City, WI 53807