Montezuma schools plans Aug. 25 return

Montezuma Community Schools is dedicated to educating the students within our communities. It is the intention of Montezuma CSD to be onsite, face-to-face, with all staff and students, beginning August 25.

Our goal is to give our students the best education possible, and we feel face-to-face is the most effective way while ensuring the health and safety of all students, staff, and families.

  • We will have COVID cases, but are committed to making this

difficult situation work.

  • A positive diagnosis will result in the student/staff maintaining isolation at home. School will continue. Guidance as of today from the CDC is 10 days of quarantine from the start of illness AND 3 days since fever resolved without the use of fever-reducing medication AND all other symptoms have improved before returning to school.
  • We need to remain flexible and positive. 
  • Decisions on requiring masks and other protective measures will be made at a later date.  
  • Staff and students with pre-existing conditions and concerns will be handled on an individual basis, prior to and throughout the 2020-2021 school year.  

Montezuma understands it is every family’s right to decide what is best for their student and family.

Please take this Parent Survey to help us prepare and plan for the school year.  If you have a concern regarding our current plan please email Becky Bryan or MJ Sheets at or and we will address each case individually.

Montezuma Schools understands this is a difficult and unique situation, so we are doing our best to follow current guidance as we plan to support our students, staff, and families.

Montezuma Schools will be updating stakeholders with more information and Return to Learn plan details in early August.