No school prom. HOWEVER . . .

June 30, 2020

Dear Parents and Students –

Unfortunately, the recommendation from emergency management in Poweshiek County is to cancel a school-sponsored prom event.

It would be difficult to hold this type of event and ensure that proper social distancing measures are in place. Our decision aligns with the majority of other schools in the area, but we did not base it solely on what others are doing.

We believe Montezuma is a special place so we wanted to wait as long as possible to make this decision.We realize that this isn’t a popular announcement to make, but we feel that it is the right one at this time based on the information we have and our current reality.

The good news is we have been in communication and a group of great parents who are moving forward with an independent / non-school sponsored prom-like activity.

We have confirmed with the state that this type of event is permissible, and outside the school’s realm since it is not a school-sponsored event.

We will communicate with these individuals as questions arise and work with them as much as possible to do this for our students.

Again, this is a decision we were hoping we would not have to be made when we decided to push back the event.

The Governor did announce last week we can return to school, and we will continue to monitor the situation as it seems to change weekly.

As a school, we want our kids back in the building. We will communicate as much as possible in the upcoming weeks as more information becomes available.


Tim Hoffman

Editor’s note: July 25 is being eyed as a tentative date for the “prom-like event,” but we don’t know where, time, or details about activities. Stay tuned as this clarifies.