We’re keeping our heads up and eyes open!

By Nathan Wood
Montezuma Schools Superintendent 

It has been one month since school began this fall.

As a school district, we have many great things going on in our school. Most students are in the hallways, interacting with their peers, learning from one another; and engaging with their teachers in a face-to-face format for the first time since mid-March.

Teachers are working hard to ensure that we maintain a safe environment for our students by continually improving our school logistics and procedures related to COVID-19.

At the same time, they are continuing to improve their practices to engage with our students who are currently obtaining their learning in an online/virtual setting.

As a school, we are also continuing communication to improve social distancing practices and reduced close contact quarantining situations with the local department of public health.

As a unified team, the work that the Montezuma CSD staff is doing cannot be surpassed, and our PK-12 student body is second to none.

I am thankful that our students and staff have sacrificed many traditionally “normal” routines in our school to ensure that everyone can stay in school as long, and as frequently as possible.

With all this said, I believe as we approach the one-month mark, we also need to address the need to avoid becoming complacent.

Myself included, we must continue to collaborate on how to improve our practices; whether instruction related in the classroom; or district level decisions.

We cannot afford to settle for “good enough”.

I have challenged our staff to think about how can they can continuously improve their practices to prepare our students for their future. This includes rigorous academics in our classrooms and preparing for standardized assessments this spring.

While Iowa Assessments are not the only thing that matters this school year, I know that we cannot wait until spring to think about the impact that these assessments will have in labeling our school on the Iowa School Performance Profiles.

As parents, I ask that you communicate with your children about the importance of continuing to push forward and to always do their best; whether in the classroom, or in extra-curricular competitions.

I want to say thank you for many reasons to start this school year.

I would be lying if I told you each day did not have it challenges; some are greater than others. While challenges are at an all-time high; so are the rewards of success.

One constant is that I am thankful to be a part of this school community, and I hope that you know you can come to me at any time if you have needs, ideas, or just need someone to listen.

One specific thank you that I am going to mention tonight includes the modeling and demeanor that both our staff and student body have promoted and modeled related to face coverings, social distancing, and keeping our school and the Montezuma community as safe as possible.

If we continue to do these things, we increase our chances to maintain the health and safety of our school and the Montezuma community.

Thank you to everyone for your hard work that is making this school year possible. Again, please feel free to provide myself feedback on changes that we can make that will make our school more efficient and effect the upcoming months; or if you just need someone to listen.

Have a great rest of the week.

Nathan Wood, Montezuma schools superintendent