Our guys responded with high character

Broox Stockman (20) with the carry. (Peggy Watts photo).

By John Beck
Head Football Coach

I’m proud of the guys. They have had to face some very difficult emotions these last two weeks and they have responded like the high-character young men they are.

We went into the Melcher-Dallas game wanting to get better at the little things and we took a step in the right direction with that.

Offensively, we got a lot of guys touches for the limited snaps they got. The varsity offense had around 20 total snaps and they were pretty effective.

We were a bit out of touch and had to punt on the first drive.

We were able to lock in on the second drive and did a lot of good things after that.

Coach John Beck

Brady (Boulton) was pretty effective, going 7-10 on passing with a trio of touchdowns. He spread the ball to a variety of guys.

On the ground, Broox Stockman and Brett Plants did a good job as they had 3 touchdowns between them.

Our line did a good job of picking up blitzes and keeping Brady upright. On the opening drive, they brought four rushers a couple of times and that led to some pressure. But after the communication between our line and QB was established, we cleaned that up.

Tod Geiger, Houston VanRoekel, and Landon Morrison, with Briar Simpson subbing in, did a really nice job with opening up holes for our backs as well. Our receivers and backs continue to do a good job going and getting the ball while also blocking well on the outside for each other.

Defensively, we played well and did our assignments. Our varsity group was able to disrupt and move the line of scrimmage up front.

We put them into a lot of 2nd- and 3rd- and-longs. Our ‘backers did a good job of reading their keys and getting downhill.

In the secondary, we continue to disrupt passing lanes and get our hands on the ball. We have done a great job this year of generating turnovers. This is because we have a lot of guys flying to the ball! 

Special teams did a nice job this week too. Max Anderson and Luke Erselius continue to do a good job with our kicking duties. Our returns were good and blocking on them was great.

Montezuma cheerleaders pose in the twilight at Melcher-Dallas. (Marie Boulton photo).

Must be focused vs. W-MU

We have to do a good job of turning our focus to a very good Winfield-Mt. Union team. They have been challenged this year knocking off two top 10 teams.

They have two very good athletes with some very good supporting staff around them. They are a very veteran and detail-oriented team. They know their schemes on both sides of the ball really well. 

We will need to be locked in and ready to go for a very physical game on Saturday (3 p.m. kickoff). Our guys are always excited to go out and play some really good teams to see what we are made of!