Photos from ‘Let Freedom Ring’

Mia Boulton and Kallie Robison ride on the FFA entry in the big parade. (Marie Boulton photo).

‘Let Freedom Ring,’ Montezuma’s 4th of July celebration, filled the town with happy sounds, tastes and sights on Saturday, July 2.

Photographer Mia Boulton captured some of the sights around Courthouse Square during the morning honors.

Kaison Bolen walks away from an apparently successful effort at the dunk tank.
Girls State representatives Sadie De Jong and Abby Cheney ride in the big parade.
Tiffany and Joel Kercheval march in the parade.
She’s collecting candy during the big parade.
Madison Van Zee holds a puppy on Courthouse Square.
Ellen Cook, Izzy Roorda and Camryn Brennan are on a tloat with a red, white and blue theme.
A rider and a support person enjoy the Pony-Go-Round.
Maguire De Jong takes a turn in the dunk tank.