Story, photos by Al Rabenold
It was a “free lunch” as an anonymous donor treated thirteen members of the Montezuma School retired staff & their spouses at the Longhorn Saloon in Barnes City on Wednesday, July 27th.
Special guest, new Montezuma School Superintendent, Rich Schulte, introduced himself and shared his vision for the school.

On the left side of the table, from front to back: Lois Douglass, Francene Cranston, Lola Willrich, Ron Willrich, Sherma Brand, Darrell Brand & Bonnie Cox. On the right side, front to back: Denise Rabenold, Steve Cranston, Kathy Osborn, Kevin Osborn, Mary Holtz, and Montezuma Superintendent Mr. Rich Schulte.
LONGHORN SALOON celebrity waitress, Jolene (Moore) Williams, MHS ’92, (below), was kept busy signing autographs for her former teachers.