The City of Montezuma has said that regretfully, there can be no Hometown Holiday event until 2021. However, at least two holiday events are still set for Saturday Dec. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus still want to pay their annual pre-Christmas visit to the community and they will appear from 9 a.m. to 12 noon on Saturday, Dec. 5, at Montezuma Floral at 311 East Main St.
Santa and Mrs. Claus will be behind plastic shields, and social distancing will be observed. And of course, everyone coming to visit must wear masks.
Kids will receive a bag full of goodies from the Montezuma Community Boosters, who were the coordinators of the Hometown Holiday event. Also, Montezuma Floral will be staging a wreath decorating contest. For a fee, four decorators at a time will be allowed in to decorate a wreath.
THE SECOND EVENT – will take place the same evening, Saturday, Dec. 5. It will be the Holiday Lights Aglow Tour, sponsored by the Montezuma Schools’ Parent Advisory Committee.
It will be an outdoors tour of lighted homes in the area.
For more information, contact: pac@montezuma.k12.ia.us.