School bond vote is Tuesday, Nov. 7

(Editor’s Note: This material is also presented on the Montezuma Schools website, which is the source of the material).

The Montezuma Community School Board has called for a special election on Tuesday, November 7, 2023, presenting voters with one question to authorize general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $19,375,000 for facility, athletic fields, and learning environment improvements.

The Ballot Question

Shall the Board of Directors of the Montezuma Community School District in the County of Poweshiek, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $19,375,000 to provide funds to build, furnish and equip a Learning Commons addition to its existing educational facility, to remodel, repair, improve, furnish and equip its existing educational facility, and to improve the site?

Yes or No

This bond referendum is tax neutral

Thanks to careful financial planning by the School Board and District, we can move forward with these important projects without increasing property taxes beyond their current amount. It allows us to improve education and provide better opportunities for our students and we’re committed to making sure these benefits don’t come with a higher cost for taxpayers.

How can this be tax neutral?

Thanks to careful financial planning by the School Board and District, we can move forward with these important projects without increasing school property taxes beyond their current amount. (see explanation and chart below)

    • The school district currently makes a debt payment as well as an additional payment in order to pay off its current bonds early. This amount represents a $2.70 levy rate.
    • The current existing debt will be payed off in 2025.
    • The payments for the new bond in this referendum are structured to begin in 2025 and continue for 20 years at the same $2.70 tax levy rate.
    • Beginning in 2028, the district will also have the capability to begin paying the new debt.


  • Remodel Central Gym locker room to meet ADA guidelines.
  • Remodel Elementary restrooms to meet ADA guidelines and match the other restrooms in the building.
  • Remodel the preschool and elementary playground areas for improved access and supervision.
  • A community focus group.


  • Upgrading of electrical distribution is needed to more effectively manage current and future technology devices used for teaching and learning.
  • Improve classroom functionality with technology, furnishings and finishes upgrades.
  • Remodel fine arts suite, include changing areas for actors, set design work, and storage of props and costumes.
  • Build a new multi-functional commons area to serve as lunchroom, collaborative learning space, gathering area for auditorium events, and larger location for staff and community group meetings.


  • Replace roof sections that are aligned with the District’s most recent roof plan.
  • Reposition the football field near its current location.
  • Build a new track around the relocated football field.
  • Relocate the baseball field to be alongside the softball field.
  • Commons and lunch room.

How Did We Get Here?

OCT 2022

Comprehensive Facilities Assessment conducted by SitelogIQ to assess physical, educational, and functional needs.

DEC 2022

Facility Assessment Review is presented to the school board and District administration.

Board comprehensive review including prioritizations, project scenarios, potential costs.

JUN 2023

At the direction of the Board, multiple Community Focus Groups to review potential facility upgrades.

Community-wide survey begins.

JUL 2023

School Board reviews results of the community survey and input for the Community Focus Groups.

JUL-AUG 2023

School Board reviews results of the community survey.

The School Board passes a resolution committing to move forward with a bond referendum.

NOV 2023

November 7, 2023 Bond Referendum vote.

Athletic complex.

Community Focus Groups

To ensure future facility decisions make sense for students, are fiscally responsible, and have community support, the Montezuma district leadership and School Board requested that Community Focus Groups be offered to the public.

Residents of Montezuma School District met with SitelogIQ and Superintendent, Rich Schulte in June of 2023 for a series of Community Focus Groups. The goal of the meeting was to provide feedback regarding the current state of Montezuma School District facilities. The School Board values the community input received as part of the District Facilities Plan.

Community-wide Survey

Between July 11-26, some 228 residents completed a survey about their thoughts regarding district facility planning.

This community-wide survey was an extension of the work being done by the Community Focus Groups, our staff, and district leadership. YOUR INPUT WAS HEARD AND IS VALUED

Site improvement scapes.