Montezuma CSD Families and Staff,
Sept. 1
Today we learned a Montezuma schools employee has tested positive for COVID-19.
This employee has sought medical attention, and is currently in isolation at their home.
This is the first district employee or student to test positive for the virus. In support of legal/confidentiality purposes, we are not able to share more information about this individual’s medical condition.
We will remain in frequent communication with this individual in order to ensure the individual is not contagious prior to returning to work.
Please continue to self-monitor your health and the health of your students and realize that there is community spread of the virus which can occur anywhere in our community.
Thus, if you, or your children develop symptoms, please practice social distancing and contact your physician.
Individuals that have been determined by Poweshiek County Public Health to have been in close contact (within 6 feet of the infected person for 15 or more minutes) will receive a separate notification instructing them to quarantine and not return to school for 14 days after the last exposure.
With this being said, always keep your child at home if they are ill for any reason and please contact the school.
Lastly, the school and county department of public health believes this staff member did a great job social distancing, wearing a mask, and using the proper precautions within the classroom and hallways.
As we move forward, it is extremely important that we continue to follow the guidelines of health officials to help mitigate the spread of this virus by frequent hand washing, social distancing, monitoring symptoms, and seeking medical attention as needed.
We continue to monitor the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation throughout our world, nation, state, and community.
Nathan Wood