Special guests visit retired school staff

THE RETIRED MONTEZUMA SCHOOL STAFF and their spouses met in Barnes City at the Longhorn Saloon for their monthly luncheon on Wednesday, June 28th. They were joined by former foreign exchange student Kari (Flage) Heimstad and her husband Finn. A native of Norway, Kari came back for the MHS class of ‘68 reunion. Pictured here are: Carolyn Wood, Russ Cox, Kevin Osborn, Lola Willrich, Ron Willrich, Al Rabenold, Kari (Flage) Heimstad, Finn Heimstad, Denise Rabenold, Darrell Brand, Sherma Brand, Lois Douglass, Kathy Osborn, Bonnie Cox, and Carol Behounek.

Their next outing will be July 26th at Yolanda’s!