Superintendent provides another update

April 3

Dear Students and Families,

I think we can all agree that the last several weeks have been some of the most difficult that we have ever endured as a school community.

Yet despite our circumstances, I am heartened by all of our efforts to make the best of the situation.

One of the issues that we have wrestled with the most is how to ensure that our students continue their learning during this time and still ensure that safety remains the top priority.

The Montezuma school district has chosen to provide a variety of learning and enrichment activities for our students shared directly from our teachers.

While these activities aren’t “required learning,” we strongly encourage parents, families, and other caregivers to support participation while students are at home.

Our district was also given the opportunity to complete the application process with the Iowa Department of Education to move all of our teaching online for credit during this time.

While this is an appealing opportunity, we don’t believe that option was the best choice for our students. We know that not everyone has equitable access to devices and the Internet at home.

We know that you have many questions about how this extended school closure will impact your child(ren); especially our high school students and their credit needs for graduation.

We are continuing to work with the Iowa Department of Education, Iowa’s Area Education Agencies, and our neighboring districts to uncover answers. Our principals will be sending you more information very soon with more details.

One thing is for certain, however; we are all in this together and we will seek answers that make sense given these unprecedented times.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Thanks and take care of yourself,

Dave Hoeger