They were judged worthy of All State!

By Liesl Roorda
Speech Coach

Although there will not be an actual All State Individual Festival for speech, which is usually held on the campus of UNI, there were still opportunities to earn special recognition honors after the state contest judging on Saturday, March 14.

Each judge could nominate performances they felt embodied the level of All State-worthy.

Students had to be nominated by at least 2 of the 3 judges in order to be considered. Montezuma received four All State Recognitions.

We are thrilled to announce the following All State Recognition Awards:

Niykala Smith, Solo Musical Theatre, And I Am Telling You… from Dream Girls

Brayden Stockman, Solo Musical Theatre, Where Do You Belong? from Mean Girls

Rebeka Teumer, Acting, Ashes

Haley Roorda, Individual Improvisation

Although these students will not be able to perform at the festival, we will find a platform for them to perform to showcase their special award and talent.

Congratulations to all the performers!