Cole Watts, a multi-sport student-athlete, has signed a National Letter of Intent to play basketball for Simpson College.
A strong student and leader in the classroom, Cole is a member of the National Honor Society and holds a career 3.9 GPA, while excelling in baseball, football and basketball.

Cole played multiple positions in baseball while being named to the All-SICL baseball team twice.
In football, Cole has the second-most receiving yards in a career with 2,746 and holds the state of Iowa record with most receiving yards in a single game with 391.
As a basketball player, Cole holds records for: Highest 3% in a season and Most 3 Pointers Made in a Game with 10.
He is the 11th player in school history to score 1,000 points — despite missing most of his sophomore season due to injury.
Braves basketball coach Derrick Dengler had this to say, “Cole will be remembered for a long time for his contributions to the Montezuma athletic programs and the community. Simpson College is blessed to have him”.